
What are the preventive actions taken by your government prior to climate change?

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What are the preventive actions taken by your government prior to climate change?




  1. My country's government is working hard to get Alberta tar sands developed so that we can sell high carbon fuel to everyone, so as to ensure that everyone else's carbon footprint will go up as much as ours.

    Our strategy is to keep the economy going with no reductions in emissions until at earliest 2020. Then some later government can take the heat for trying to reign in emissions.

    Our methane hydrate deposits are going to be gassing off more each year, and we are not even discussing how to extract them before that happens.

  2. My government's Idea, ( at least the liberal members of it ), seem to favor taxing hard working people to the hilt. Maybe they think making everybody poor will keep people from doing anything to cause global warming.

  3. recycle water , solar energy usage , planting more trees

  4. no its to enslave you watch> Global warming threat (pre)arranged 1961?

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