
What are the prices at Friendly's Restaurant like?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going to Friendlys with my friends in a few weeks, and I'm trying to figure out how much money I need. Could someone give my an example of their dinner dish prices? And what about the desserts? Their website doesn't show prices!




  1. I would bring about $20. It's not that cheap. Dinner entrees are about $12. Dessert is about $3 or $4. Drinks are about $3. You might need more than $20 actually. Pretty sad, isn't it?   $25 or $30 might be safer to bring.

  2. Super cheap..I love Friendly's....Average meal price there is between $4-$12..if that

  3. between 5-15 dollars

  4. oh, i went there as a kid... not in years... fond memories of the ice cream sundae! i think food was from 7-15 for entrees and dessert about 5-10.


  5. Prices there are very reasonable.  Basically hamburgers and some basic entrees.  You'll be fine with $20. Desserts are typically ice cream based.  Sundaes, splits, etc... yummy!

  6. prices aren't bad pretty much the same as dennys. servise isn't as ''friendly'' as they make out though

  7. Don't worry. Friendly's isn't bad at all. The most expensive plate in the place is probably $25. The cheapest is like $6. An average meal is $10=$12. drinks $2. dessert, $4-$7

  8. Friendly's Restaurant is pretty cheap and the taste reflects it. An individual dinner or breakfast is about $8.

  9. Average dinner is from $8 to $15

    Desserts go from $3 to $7

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