
What are the prime reasons young people are not going out to vote?

by  |  earlier

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What are historical causes, upbringings, lack of polls, lack of plausible candidates?




  1. Lack of plausible candidates.

    When they see the courts deciding an election not the people.

    When the person with the most votes losses they want to know why. If they ask they find out that the government has a system set up so if the people don't vote for who the government wants the government can overrule them.(the electoral college) Set up because the American citizen is too stupid to be trusted! (This is how Bush got elected) which proves the point that the government is the one that is too stupid to be allowed a hand in the voting process.

    Start with that and add your favorite!

  2. No.....just bad weather!

  3. Well, I actually plan to, but I guess we/they see voting as invalidated by the fact that the president, who is supposed to be acting on the will of the nation, has only a 25% approval rating. Laziness too, but that could be applied to just about any group. Maybe also because of this lol:

  4. Lazieness and feeling like our vote does not matter anyway.  That's how I always felt.

  5. you are wrong.  they are voting more than ever.

  6. too busy partying and chasing tail....

  7. They don't recognize the importance of voting.  They are young and concerned with their own lives, not boring old politics.

  8. there is no point of voting. candidates say we'll do this we'll do that. but they never do anything good for young people in the community.

  9. laziness, its not COOL, maybe if they had free beer at polling places it would attract more younger voters

  10. lack of interest. the feeling of hopelessness. the notion that their vote has no influence. forget to register or don't know how to register. no faith in the candidates. no time to vote.

  11. you think that you are voting for the right person to be the president but they end up disappointing you anyway, so whats the point.. they all talk the talk, no one walks the walk

  12. Not so, they are out there registering more than ever in history.

    Younger people are now energized to change the country no matter who they are voting for.  They are looking to get more creatiely involved in participating in government AFTER VOTING than their parents did.

    It is truly inspirational.  Catch the wave!! ;-0

  13. The main reason is lazyness and apathy.

  14. 1)Dislike Politics (they think any candidates is corrupt)

    2)(Lazyless) Rather play a video game then to vote

    3)This is someone else problem, one vote don't mean anything.

  15. Complacency

    On another note - I think voting % would go up if they would give everyone the day off on election day.

  16. Obama is bringing them out in record numbers...

  17. Not paying attention to what's going on in the world.

    Not realizing the power of their vote.

    Rather party

    Doesn't think about the future and how it affects them.

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