
What are the principles behind the theory of evolution by the means of natural selection?

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i dont get this natural selection stuff at all.. and i have no clue about the principles of anything. so can someone plz explain this to me




  1. The other answers give you good examples of what evolutionists say is evolution by natural selection, but they fail to give you all of the facts.  There is a huge difference between natural selection and variations within a species, and evolution.

    The entire theory of evolution rests on a falsehood...that genetic information can be added one generation after another.  The fact is that observed mutations either demonstrate a loss of genetic information from the genetic code, or they are neutral.  Mutations cannot add genetic information.

    Natural selection is the process by which individuals possessing a set of traits that confer a survival advantage in a given environment tend to leave more offspring on average that survive to reproduce in the next generation.  Speciation is the process of change in a population that produces distinct populations which rarely naturally interbreed due to geographic isolation or other factors.  Adaptation is a physical trait or behavior due to inherited characteristics that gives an organism the ability to survive in a given environment.  Neither of these processes can turn one species into another species....evolution.  

    Evolution has never been proven and it is not seen today or in the fossil record.  There are no intermediate fossils, only fossils of fully developed species.

  2. Simple you poison your house for roaches and a few just barely survive, some always do and reproduce. you poisons again and a few just barely survive again. repeat until all or alot survive. What has happened is you killed off roaches that are genetically more susceptible to the poison leave the less susceptible until all are not as susceptible to the poison. That is a very simple version but the concept is very true. Malaria kills millions every year making the sickle cell trait increasingly more common in Malaria prone areas of the world.    

  3. I like to use the example of my cat. My cat is white but his tail is black with white rings. The tail looks like a snake. So, if my cat got attacked by another animal it might see the tail and run away, thinking it was a snake. The cat with this advantage would live longer and make more kittens (oh, no). The kittens that inherited the tail would live longer and have more kittens. Sooner or later, snake tails would be common on cats. The cat is doing nothing. Circumstance has made the decision. Now, take humans. People with nice teeth are unknowingly thought as being healthy. They are able to have a better pick of mates which may be another with nice teeth.  They get a better job because they look healthy and able to provide for more children. Their children survive longer and have more children, sooner or later, nice teeth become common among people. People have done nothing except unknowly think that people with nice teeth are healthy thus good looking. They have made a selection of mates based on natural selection. If ever hear someone say, "Why in the world did they marry that person?" They say it because the idea goes against natural selection. lol

  4. I've been watching the series on The History Channel "Evolve". You should check into it. I think the hardest part is trying to understand the time line involved. Some people think of it as a very quick change, in all reality the time line is to long for most people to comprehend. Its the added effects of up 10 million years of minute changes. I think the website link provided will help you out.

  5. Creatures are born slightly different from one another

    A creature that is born with something that helps them survive(for example a mutation that makes them run faster) they will live longer and have more children, ultimately passing on that mutation to its children.

    A creature born with something that hurts its ability to survive(a mutation that makes it run slower for example) causes it to die younger and have less children with that mutation.

    so in the end the good mutations will become more numerous than the bad ones. essentially nature selects which mutations will stay in the species and which will not stay.

    Look at that on a long time scale, like hundreds of generations, you will see creatures becoming more and more fit towards the area they live in. thats evolution.

  6. A study showed that female bird of a species tend to mate with the males with the most color and flash in their feathers. What was found was that males with this type of plumage were resistant to feather mites.

    The trait, resistance to mites was linked to colorful plumage. The males with this trait tended to get more chances to reproduce.

    This is a simple example of natural selection. Note that the trait isn't huge. A homo eretus doesn't give birth to a Homo sapien. That the trait is random. It can be lost or replaced by something else (say if the feather mites go away) That there isn't an end goal that the species is working towards.

    Meanwhile the feather mites are also evolving. Those individuals that can infest the colorful males have a better change to reproduce and pass their trait along.

    The next thing is this process takes place over millions of years. We split from the chimpanzee line 3-4 million years ago. Today we can't interbreed with chimps so we're a separate species. However Chimpanzees, our closest relative, share a 99% match in DNA. In protein sequencing, the match is closer, no differences at all. The antgen-antibody reaction for humans is 97% from chimpanzees compared to 50% for baboons. Three million years an a 1% change in DNA.

    That's the basics. Those individuals that do the best tend to get to reproduce and pass their genes on. Over a very long time the species changes or evolves into a new species.

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