
What are the pro's and cons of using astro turf for a roof terrace?

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What are the pro's and cons of using astro turf for a roof terrace?




  1. I'd say you don't have to mow it, it will always be green, but, it does contribute to global warming.

  2. If I understand you correctly, it's to double as a roof and a deck? I've not had a whole lot of experience with astroturf, but I'm pretty sure you need to apply it with adhesive over a waterproof membrane such as rubber, roll roofing, tar or metal, as I don't think it's waterproof.  Otherwise, I don't see a problem with it.

  3. The cons are it looks dead and boring and only a complete lazy so and so would use it. There are no pros. Why not have a paved or gravelled area with containers of fabulous exotic plants like bananas or bamboo, ginger lilies, cannas, the list is endless. It looks good in winter and is easy to look after and will always be a talking point. Contact me if you want advice on what to plant.

  4. you dont have to weed it,cut it,or buy a mower for it,and if it gets any dirt on it just hoover it up,SO astro turf sounds good for me!!!!!!.

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