
What are the problem of eating non-vegetarian?

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What are the problem of eating non-vegetarian?




  1. it is are open to more dieses

  2. There is no problem.  I eat only vegetarian animal, such as cow.

  3. Meat is high in fat and provides no nutrients that can't be gotten in a plant based diet.

    Some of the answers you have gotten would seem to indicate that eating meat impedes the ability to think rationally as well-many answerers seemed to think you were asking about eating  a vegetarian diet and the rest said stupid things like you can't enjoy life without eating meat or all vegetarians are hypocrites (though I 'm not sure that one understood the meaning of the word).

  4. Meat eating although highly unethical in modern society can lead to a healthy life if consumed in "moderation" which is a word many westerners do not understand. Studies suggest the healthiest diet is one without meat or less than 10% meat derived protein. This is compared to the US diet of around 50%. There is strong evidence that high-protein meat diets and diets high in dairy greatly increase the chance of various common cancers, osteoporosis and more. Be that as it may if you can watch your diet (and over 50% of you can't as obesity in the US is off the charts) then you can live a very healthy life.

  5. Been eating non veg food since a kid, havnt had any problem as of now, now have my parents or their parents..but rule of thumb everything in moderation is good!

    nothin more nothin less..

    so stop worrying..enjoy!!

  6. I would like to make the point that there are tribes around the world, for instance the Masai and Inuits, who not only eat meat, but live on a wholly carnivorous diet. Indeed, the Masai are generally significantly healthier than their plant eating neighbours. This is not something I'd advise, but because of things like this it seems to me the argument that meat is unhealthy, not nutritious etc, are flawed.

    I realise that's very anecdotal and has very little evidence, but you really don't want to see my lots of evidence and facts answer.

    To James E, no one is suggesting eating meat in exclusion.

    To xty, and why should harder to digest be a problem? Not to mention the human gut is perfectly able to digest meat, albeit no always fast, whereas many things in plants, like cellulose, we lack the capability to digest at all.

    Also humans, historically, have got most of their protein from meat/dairy rather than plants, and the human body is better equipped to deal with it in this form.

    And as for helping animals, were a rise in vegetarianism to cause all the pastoral farms to close, the animals therein would be slaughtered, and no more bred, leading to the virtual eradication of species which these days only exist in farms. Also, when the land is given over to crops or left to natures own devices, the creatures which lived in the hedgerows and well treated pastures will not thank you.

    To madhaven, no its not and no you aren't. I could post a long message on this, but I'll be brief today. For one thing the human body naturally eats meat, which can be shown in little things like the ability digest it usefully without sickness or other problems, something which no herbivores have.

    To Leoness, I don't see it as cruel. As long as the animals are treated well (which I realise they often aren't, especially if you're in America, but that to me is an argument for better animal welfare rather than vegetarianism, which helps the situation not at all) I see no problem anyone could have. Especially when you consider, in the wild, all animals die of either being hunted, disease or accidents, but almost never old age, and all far more painful deaths than those in a slaughter house. Indeed, if an animal does begin to get old it just makes him more vulnerable to those three.

    To Barbara, high in fat means nothing. If you lead a healthy life, by which I mean exercise, etc, the high fat foods pose no problem whatsoever. Obviously, if you do get fat, which is more often due to how much you eat or exercise, fatty foods aren't the best help.

    To Shaun B, meat contains a huge amount of protein, and a meat based diet far more than most people will need. It has been suggested that this high protein intake causes osteoporosis, however IIRC studies done to get this used concentrated protein powders, and I don't believe the results were replicated with more natural forms of protein.

    Also, veggies are less prone to most diseases, although this is more likely to be due to them generally being higher earners who are more likely to look after themselves are less likely to smoke, drink to excess, eat trash foods and other similarly unhealthy practises. Again, when comparing people with similar lifestyles, there is very little, if any difference between the two.

  7. I have no problems

  8. you don't get some of the protein and nutrients you need

  9. nothing your normal and not a hypocrite

  10. Meat is much harder for the body to digest, and red meat is especially bad for you. Granted, it gives you protein, but you can skip the meat and replace it with a wholesome nut intake and get the same or better benefit.

    Plus, the cows/chickens/fish will thank you.

  11. nothing we have canine teeth for a reason.

  12. Consider that the human diet and your health requires that a (very) limited diet of animal food sources is better for your body. Some people(s) eat way too much meat. Also, meat production is a drain on resources as well as a strain on the environment. Resources are finite and the environment is a fragile enough thing as it is. Anyway one can reduce impact on it will slow the inevitable changes (those changes not for the better and a direct effect of our being here in such overwhelming numbers). One also has to consider that we share this world. Taking such total advantage of any life that we would find horrible if it was done to us (the golden rule?) is a level of thinking that separates us from lower life and lesser consciousness. More to the point it separates us for a reason that is a virtuous act of the "soul" (compassion). Because you can do a thing and because as a people/ species we have done a thing in our ignorance and infancy doesn't mean we should continue. Part of growing and learning to go beyond being an animal, which we clearly are, is to do it with clear purpose and positive goals. Those goals are personal, as well as global and have a far reaching effect on all this planet's life.

  13. You don't get the "cool" label but you do get to enjoy your ife more.. short though it may be if you are not careful

    I have no problems at all, morally, ethically and physically...

  14. the biggest problems with an omnivorous diet (for me) are moral and religious ones.  i am trying to live a life that shows compassion and love, as i was taught to do.....allowing another sentient being to die for my selfish benefit would be exactly the opposite of what i think is right.

  15. Probably there's no probs...just enough !

    Eat healthy and be fit.

  16. Eating non-vegetarian in my opinion is only problematic because it's cruel. People say that there are health risks with eating meat such as it being undercooked and getting food poisoning, chemicals inside it, higher risk of heart disease etc. But, there are also health risks associated with a vegetarian diet such as anemia (only if you don't eat a proper vegetarian diet) and it has been proven that it's more common for people to turn to vegetarianism before developing an eating disorder, than to go straight from meat eating to eating disordered.

    No matter what you eat, you aren't immuned from becoming ill or having problems.

  17. non fiber    yes that's why dogs eat grass

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