
What are the problems of adult discussions on yahoo?

by  |  earlier

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as it appears from the quality of yahoo replies that many of the respondents are underage-either that or they are retards-what is the legal position of adults having a serious discussion about adult matters;technically we are breaking the law,aren' t we,and at a long stretch could be nicked for 'grooming'?




  1. According to Y!A  community guidelines,  you are supposed to be 13 yrs or older.    Since nobody checks IDs, in reality, anyone can join.

  2. I don't give a S**t...just got my 2 points on my way to level 10

  3. And you posted in Rail because....

  4. I don't think answering questions would result in liability.  If, however, one were to make contact with one who is underage via this web site, that would be a new ball game.

    As far as ridiculous answers are concerned, there doesn't seem to be a correlation with age, as jerks come in all makes and models.

  5. Unfortunately, like flies, underage participants find their way in.  They find it irresistible to insert some stupid joke or comment.  because they lack the maturity to just move on to another question.

  6. I suppose if you state it is a question of adult nature and to not continue unless you're over 18 then it can't be too terible?

  7. because the adults (in most cases) are emotionally stunted tards who can't deal with things in any mature aspect...

    yahoo is a way for them to attention w***e themselves.

  8. When I first started answers it was different. I don't think there was a pre-teen/teen category.

    It has become ridiculous when you see some questions, I shudder.

    If I had a teenager they would be banned from this site.

    Legally, there is no position. Just asking and answering sensible questions is the point, isn't it?

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