
What are the problems we face today with groundwater?

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What are the problems we face today with groundwater?




  1. Pollution is worse than ever. We are producing so much pollution now that even the rain is polluted before it even reaches the ground. The ground has more pollution in itself with pesticides and dangerous heavy metals than ever. So the rain water carries all of these contaminants to the rivers (sometimes picking up even more contaminants from landfills).

    We will continue to have more problems with polluted water till we can finally solve/fix our methods of getting rid of pollution.

  2. Not only is there contamination from pollutants that are dumped in streams, lakes,and oceans, even now sewer systems which purify the water and let it seep back underground are contaminating as traces of anti anxiety medicine and anti depressants have been found in spring waters. It has been on cable saying that even bottled water has those traces as they tested the bottled water in california and a few other states. fertilizers and poisons also seep underground into the water supply. aloha taz

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