
What are the problems with rebuilding houses in New Orleans on the same property that was destroyed by Katrina

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What are the problems with rebuilding houses in New Orleans on the same property that was destroyed by Katrina




  1. The main issue is that the new house has to meet the 2006 "federal flood rules", and that means new construction has to be 4 to 6 fet higher than the previous structure.

    Of course, raising the house also means it is MUCH less likely to flood in the future,

  2. Many sites are and have ground or soil contamination from Hurricane Katrina, many just abandoned there homes and never returned,making it difficult to sell the property to new buyers. many homes that were destroyed have not even been removed from the property making it eye sore.New Orleans has very sandy soil and gets water logged easy and makes builders wary,because the houses tend to shift a lot.

  3. One big problem is the reluctance from insurance companies to pay off, the lack of insurance, and the financial situation of a lot of folks there. Plus, all the new regulations which are understandable. I remember shortly after the storm it was predicted that it would take at least 10 years for the area to even make a substantial comeback. It has only been three years. Rome was not built in a day and New Orleans will not be rebuilt completely any time soon. But we are working at it.

  4. They are rebuilding homes on sites that were previously used! Not sure where you are getting information that they are not. There was some thought in turning some of areas that are the lowest areas (in some cases 8-13 feet below sea level) back into wetland/swamp areas which is what they were originally. In some cases I think they some of the areas should return to green space but at the same time very glad they are SLOWLY rebuilding and trying to get people back into the areas that were hit hardest.

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