
What are the problems with the notion of "natural selection"?

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CR - hahaha you all up in the kool-aid, but ya got the wrong flava




  1. Know the difference between natural and organic, just because something says it is natural doesn't mean it isn't raised with pesticides, herbasides, hormones anitbiotics etc.  Your best bet is organic, if you can't find that then go to the all natural, avoid corn syrups, high fructose corn syrups, msg, flavorings food colorings.

    Stay Healthy!!

  2. A.  There is no way to prove it's existence on the macro scale.  This means we have no time machine, so we cannot go back and watch natural selection occur, we can only hypothesize that it happened over long time periods in the past.  However, we have shown it to work on small scales.

    B.  Natural Selection cannot explain the selection of certain traits.  I call this the "just so story".  When we decribe natural selection at work (like why does the giraffe have such a long neck) we create a just so story to explain why it works (because those with longer necks could reach the more nutricious leaves and therefore could have more children which had the genes for longer necks, etc.).  But these are just stories and not all traits (like mirror self-recognition or the useless arms of a t-rex) can be explained as a just so story.  Often times they are explained as secondary characteristics, but there is even less evidence to support secondary stories.

  3. It offends people who are attached to the religiously-inspired notion that everything was created by a supreme being.  If life arose on its own, and if species can evolve, change and become extinct, then where is there room for the notion of a perfect creator and a perfect creation?

  4. For one, when evolving technologies have significant impact on "nature", the concept of nature needs to be revised from its traditional conceptualizations.

  5. The theory of natural selection is far more than a "notion."   It is about as close to a fact as anything known.  I am a geologist and have learned the evidence for plate techtonics.  Only someone who is ignorant of the facts and mountain of evidence would suggest that Plate Techtonics isn't the best explanation for much of what we see on earth.  Similarly, the evidence for natural selection is overwhelming.  The only problems with it are from people that insist on burying their heads up something or into the sand.

  6. Very few, actually. The theory of evolution by natural selection is the overarching theory of biology. It has broad evidential support. For example, the evidence for natural selection is stronger than the evidence for the theory of gravity.

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