
What are the proper steps required in starting your own restaurant?

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What are the proper steps required in starting your own restaurant?




  1. get a liscens to own ur own restaurant,

    find a building to lease or buy or rent

    then fix it up and get it how you want it

    hire a chef or cook and waiters and waitresses

    get someone to do all of the finances

    and hten start makin ur restauruant famous


  2. perfect plan and of course cash

  3. My brother and I started a restaurant/bar a few years back. We read a lot on this great site about business. It was quite a good starting point for information.

  4. No matter what kind of business you want to start - you will always need a detailed written business plan.

    It all becomes clearer when you have to write it down in black and white. Plus you'll need a good business plan to convince banks to lend you capital.

    In the hospitality sector, you basically give up ever having a single holiday day ever again.

  5. if you don't know, than you are in no position when it comes to opening a restaurant

  6. Work for a year in another restaurant and learn the laws and procedures of safely handling food and complying with employment and tax laws.

    Maybe make that 2 years.

  7. Might consider consulting with a food inspector / building inspector for financial considerations needed to bring a facility up to par. This is an awsome American dream I fully support but I have seen many businesses go under because of financial difficulties once outside factors influence how much business can be done thanks to their lack of foundation.

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