
What are the pros and cons about going to a big high school?

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Ok, my mom is making me switch schools for high school. I'm thinking about ging to this regonial school (masco) but there is soo many people there. What is better a small school or a big school and why?




  1. small schools are good because it's a tight community. but with a big school, you meet so many new people and if you're a people person, that could be a good thing.

  2. I'd say the bigger the better. Part of the whole high school experience is the the social aspect, so if there's more people it'll be just that much easier.

    I went to a small high school and i felt like i knew everyone then when I went to college i totally got freaked out. I think i would've been easier to cope  with the masses if i had it in high school.

  3. pros- easier to be in higher ranks of your class

    cons-harder to fit in

    harder to make teams

    more clique(y)

  4. Small schools are good if you like knowing everyone and being sheltered.

    Big schools are good if you like meeting new people all the time, having more classes to choose from and more diversity.

    I personally like the bigger school better.

  5. pros- lot more people to talk to

    probably better sports teams

    better teachers


    larger class rooms

    more competitive (sports and academics)

    might feel like u are just any other person  

  6. I go to a big high school, I think it's better.

    1. It's easier to get away from people you don't like.

    2. You can meet a lot of new people.

    3.Different teachers for the same subject means there's a chance you won't get the really bad one.

    4. There's more activities you can get involved with.

    5. More choice in classes.

  7. I go to a high school with over 2,000 students! (big!)

    I think it just depends on the school and what they have to offer. Although I prefer smaller schools, I am sure that some larger schools have better teachers, sports programs, etc., then some smaller schools. You just have to do the research. I would suggest asking students who go there. Also in a large school you have a better chance of making new friends.

    I know it's hard to go to a different high school then all of your friends from middle school, but you just have to make the best of the situation.


  8. Unless you want some specific courses that aren't offered everywhere, the smaller school is the way to go.  The classes tend to be smaller, the teachers have more time to help you, and you are more than just a number or a name on the attendance list.

  9. My class of '09 has 1000 students, my highschool is huge

    I like bigger ones better, just easier and not a lot of people know you.

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