
What are the pros and cons between XP and ubuntu?

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What are the pros and cons between XP and ubuntu?




  1. xp is not as bad as vista but i still run into a ton of errors and bugs with microsoft software that ships with xp you can get viruses and have identity theft problems with windows and with ubunut no viruses and is very secure. try dual booting eventually you will chose ubuntu for its cutomuzation and freedom to make it how you want

  2. Cons:

    -Software/game are solely based on Windows machines.

    -Windows is easier to use for beginners since Ubuntu is more of a terminal based operating system where you need to know the commands to actually get somewhere

    -Routers/hardware is not very compatible with Ubuntu, except USB type connections. (Plug and play)


    -Ubuntu is open sourced, so if you know what your doing you can basically script what you want

    -Ubuntu commands are powerful if you know them

  3. most people have expereince wiht XP, so its easier to use and most common apps are progrmamed for windows.

    ubuntu is free, is more secure than windows as very few people bother with linux virus's, its easierto fine tune the customizing as you an go into the sourecode and change it to exactly how you want it.

    however for the average user XP is probably better though Ubunuut is getting very user firendly.

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