
What are the pros and cons of being a neurosurgeon?

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I really want to be one when I grow up but I just want to know what I'm getting into.




  1. It is so nice you want to be in medicine.

    Good on ya.

    You do placements during your (long) training, and hours and hours of practice in all sorts of fields that you may or may not like (and you still have to do them even if you hate it). You will find what you are good at along the way and you will learn what you like, too. Those two things are not necessarily the same, mind you. You might like to operate on brains but if you cannot keep your nerves under control or your hands still enough, you will get nowhere fast.

    You will find your way in the maze.

    Good on you for having dreams, work hard to try to make them come true I would say!

    Good luck.

  2. Be careful! A risky job like that requires VERY HIGH malpractice insurance. Sometimes it is so high, even though you're making a ton of money your profit isn't that substantial. It is also very difficult- remember your patients don't just have colds, there is a high mortality rate and that can weigh on one's conscience. Plus TONS of school and internships.

    Pros are obvios- saving the lives you can, steady work, prestige, etc.

  3. Pros: you make a ton of money and you have the opportunity to help people.

    Cons: you're constantly working so you have no time to spend the money and you have to go through an extremely difficult and long schooling/residency process.

  4. I think it's great that you're ambitious but wait until you get into medical school and get a sense of the actual lifestyle and rigour involved in any given specialty before you commit.  The pros and cons will be a matter for you to decide.

  5. Pro- good money

    Cons- Knowing you will have to take the chance of possibly killing someone every time you operate

    Knowing you might give someone brain damage

    Malpractice lawsuits

    Long shifts

    Being on call at all times

    10 years of college

    Finding a job

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