
What are the pros and cons of breeding 4 or 5 pairs pf canaries in a 2ft by 4ftby 2ft flight.?

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What are the pros and cons of breeding 4 or 5 pairs pf canaries in a 2ft by 4ftby 2ft flight.?




  1. polygamy.

  2. It would be nearly impossible.

    That's not enough space for 4 or 5 pairs of canaries.

    Canaries would need at minimum for ONE pair a 30x18x18 flight.

    You could definitely HOUSE 8-10 canaries in a flight that large, but you most likely wouldn't be successful breeding them.

    They need to be in individual pairs unless you have an outright aviary that is large enough to accomodate that many pairs and eliminate stress and aggression due to breeding/territorial pairs.

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