
What are the pros and cons of buying an older house...say built before 1960.

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I know after a certain year they get more expensive to insure but what else can be good or bad in reference to buying an older house versus a newer home.




  1. A lot of things are not "standard size" by today's definition, meaning you may have a harder time finding them in a store.  For example, my stove was not a 30" standard - mine was 44".  Another one was air conditioner vents, (I had some odd measurement that had to be special ordered) cabinet handles (standard is 3" - mine were 3 1/4"), etc.  If the appliances are older, you may have a harder time finding replacement parts (my bath fan was from 1987 - don't make that model anymore).  Your walls & ceilings are probably plaster, not sheetrock (sheetrock is sturdier while plaster, if done correctly is good but if you get a crappy job, it tends to get ripples.)   Your bathroom probably does not have receptacles for electricity.  You may not have a dryer hookup. Those are the main things I've noticed.   (Of course, previous owner(s) may have updated some things.)  

    I love my home though - built in 1959 - all brick (low maintenance - yes!!!)- older established neighborhood with lots of charms.  New homes to me look like cookie cutters  - all the same with no class, no character.  Mine has class and character. :)

  2. Much depends on the condition of the property, whether or not it has been upgraded to current standards, etc.  In an older property, you end up with a more 'mature' neighborhood, including trees and other landscape items.

    If the property has been well maintained and is very structurally sound, there is frankly little difference, other than personal preference for layouts, design, etc.

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  4. buying a older house if its not up to standard you can be out of a lot of money.get this house inspected mainly the roof  and the wiring. believe me so much can go wrong with a older house especially if you don,t have any money saved.

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