
What are the pros and cons of cultural diversity ?

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What are the pros and cons of cultural diversity ?




  1. In terms of what, in what context, aside from and in principle that any one thing of nature and on Earth has inherently dualistic qualities, and that there is strength in differences?

    By whose standard might diversity in itself give cause to ask 'what are the pros and cons,' and on proving only the pros or only the cons the cultural resolution on the matter has need to prove itself fit, or else stand or fall, which is a false proposition?

    Why should it have ever posed a problem in the first place, except to those who feel they stand to lose by having diversity -- or rather in quotations, "diversity?" [double-speak]

    "Diversity" in that instance, is a dishonesty, for it is saying one thing and meaning another and in any case resolves to nothing of any substance but more laziness and cavalier uncaring about those outside our immediate sensibilities.

    What happened to our society, for example, that one would frame diversity as needing further explanation that day-to-day living cannot already resolve and address, if one peered into the given set of circumstances in a principled way?

    I mean here -- is there some double-speak in this question, or some frame, a fear that one is better not to talk straight about?

    In itself, there 'are' no pros and cons to cultural diversity without posing a redundancy and then laboriously picking these qualities out, which effort is a poor use of human energy and economy.

    In that of the United States, a focus on anything cultural, ethnic, or racial is to approach and touch the deadly third rail, an aversion which accords the fears and trepidation of the Caucasian culture: it is the subject that few are there within that culture dare to talk about or even feel there is need to talk about, but for which any other topic is preferable and comparatively easy to address.

    Diversity in itself is a principle, one that provides momentum, facilitates creation, precludes stagnation, averts parochialism, and affords strength.

    A wall whose bricks are set by a straddling of the columns of brick makes for a strong wall; for such a wall is comprised of a diversifying pattern. But a wall whose bricks are aligned one atop the other with no difference of pattern yields a very weak wall and therewith is subject to collapse indeed.

    Therefore, you are addressing that aspect, which is race more than mere culture. So frame it so... Don't use double-talk.

    Too much do we fall to euphemisms, double-speak, and so-called political correctitude. No one of a non-Caucasian beginning, given their histories -- especially in the United States -- did ever prefer the Caucasian alternative, which is to be "politically correct," and expect anything constructive to come of it or anything to be solved by using "pc"; for the result has only created more dissension and confusion, and ironically the ones who stood the most to lose, do lose again -- an analogy herewith: the victim of a crime goes to prison, and the perpetrator is set free.

    There is no structure existent of any measure of strength that does not have diversity as its chief inherent quality.

    All else but panders to the law of likes, to which amid all social intercourses throughout society not few bigots capitulate -- and willingly so.

    Our problems today rest with not so much "kind" but rather with "degree."

    We too often think we are not racist but the standard that we use is likely faulty and should rather be one set not solely by ourselves but with those unlike us as well, for those outside of us [diversity] know what is wrong or offensive, which to our sensibilities may appear as quite a normal take on things.

    So much opinion today on race and culture is an unconscious thing. The only true remedy to this must be made more and more by means of dialogue if not flat-out confrontation between the differences, that which is the diversity -- and discuss these differences at length and depth. Otherwise, we will not know that we do not know.

  2. It provides stimuli for thought as other cultures present new experiences, new fashions, different cuisine and linguistic accents which is all the good part.

    Cons are discrimination and race wars sparked by a prejudice society.

  3. Pro: different outlets for thought and expression.

    Con: racism and misunderstandings.

  4. Diversity arises out of many local adaptations, allowing humans to flourish in all kinds of situations. If you look at evolution generally, successful forms of life create many new niches by developing as great variety as possible. If humans are to survive the changes coming about in the world, it is essential for them to have as many possible ways of surviving as possible which they can draw upon.

    A con is that it can lead to conflict and misunderstandings.

  5. The pros are that they have lead to many more chances for one to be successful and then provide incentive for others to excel and rise even higher.  

    The cons in our case is that this has involved a lot of war and human exploitation that lead to sufferung and death.

  6. Just like a flawk of chickens, or a heard of cows,...

    The more diversity the group is, the better chance of survival.

    It helps to strenghth the human gene pool.

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