
What are the pros and cons of drinking alcohol?

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What are the pros and cons of drinking alcohol?




  1. Guess I'll just use the answer I used when you asked this question 3 days ago.


    -Increased circulatory health

    -Beer is high in protein

    -Wine and dark beers are high in copper, iron,zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and other minerals.

    -Most beers and wines are high in vitamins vitamins especially B1, B2, B3, B6 and H.

    -Many stouts are high in lactic acid and essential nutrient for breastfeeding mothers.

    -Both wine and beer are extremely good sources of antioxidants, beer have simpler antioxidant (called xanthohumol) that are better for the body.

    -A 2005 study in Japan showed that low ABV beer is an effect cancer fighter.

    -Alcohol is a natural antibiotic.

    -Hops have been shown to improve brain activity.

    -Malt is good for your complexion.

    -When used in moderation it is an excellent source for your daily water requirements.

    -Beer is high in folic acid.

    -Beer is high in niacin.

    -Beer is low in sodium.

    -It contains no fat.

    -Hops have been used to help with anxiety, insomnia, nervousness, and to sooth the stomach.

    -Experiments have also documented the usage of hops with nursing mothers and its increase of breast milk and the sedation of irritable infants through its passage in the mother’s milk.

    -Beer does not make you fat. The over-consumption of beer makes you fat. On average, beer contains less than 140 calories per 12 oz glass.

    -Beer is low in sugar.

    -Beer is high in fiber.


    Much like anything in this world...if abused it can be extremely harmful. When used in moderation however, I see no cons.


    -Alcohol does destroy Vitamin C and Vitamin B complex (Funny because beer contains B complex vitamins) but if you eat health and take vitamins like you should on a daily basis these vitamins will not be lost.

    -Alcohol can impair your judgment, but when used in moderation the impairment is moderate as well.

    -One 12-ounce serving of "regular" (150 calories) beer per night adds more than 1,000 calories a week to a diet, and that works out to an extra 15 pounds per year. One light beer per night adds 10 pounds. Do some situps, take the stairs and skip the late night trip to Denny's and you'll be fine.

    -Alcohol can cause blood sugar levels to drop more rapidly. That can stimulate your appetite, and disrupt your ability to tell when you've had enough to eat. So snack away on those peanuts and pretzels while at the bar...but still skip that trip to Denny's.

    -Beer contains alchohol, and there are about 7 calories per gram of alcohol, compared to 4 calories for carbohydrates or protein. Fat has about 9 calories per gram.

  2. Pros - It relaxes you

    Cons - It is addictive, bad for your liver, an expensive habit and can interfere with relationships

  3. cons?? there are no cons.

  4. I will have to quote a great philospher here:

    "To alcohol,  the cause and solution to all of life's problems."

  5. Pros:

    Very fun.

    Very good confidence booster.

    Some people find it gets them out of there shells or helps them not care.

    Sometimes you go numb.

    You hardly feel pain.

    Can make you more chatty, interesting to be around.

    You will find it easy to get with a girl (because you won't really care what they look like).

    Some funny anecdotes can be taken from when you are drunk.


    Can make you violent.

    Can make you reckless.

    Damages your liver if taken over a sustained period.

    Alcohol is a poison.

    Some people get headaches/sickness the morning after.

    Too much can make you throw up/pass out.

    You could wake up the next morning lying next to a troll (ugly woman) or even worse a man (unless you swing that way).

    Can be addictive.

    Can make situations worsen i.e depression.

  6. There are no pros.  The cons are smelly breath, people act like complete idiots, it is dangerous for you to drive drunk, it is a costly habit, it destroys homes and relationships,  it's addictive, keeps you from getting a decent job, and tons and tons more.

  7. everything in moderation

  8. Drinking beer can relax and make you more confident. Take for example darts players drink beer to calm their nerves allowing them to throw a steady dart when the pressure is on.

    Below of some Health pros and cons I just found.

    Health benefits

    Moderate alcohol consumption may provide some health benefits. It may:

    Reduce your risk of developing heart disease, peripheral vascular disease and intermittent claudication

    Reduce your risk of dying of a heart attack

    Possibly reduce your risk of strokes, particularly ischemic strokes

    Lower your risk of gallstones

    Possibly reduce your risk of diabetes

    Health risks

    Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to serious health problems, including:

    Cancer of the pancreas, mouth, pharynx, larynx, esophagus and liver, as well as breast cancer

    Pancreatitis, especially in people with high levels of triglycerides in their blood

    Sudden death in people with cardiovascular disease

    Heart muscle damage (alcoholic cardiomyopathy) leading to heart failure


    Brain atrophy (shrinkage)

    Cirrhosis of the liver


    Fetal alcohol syndrome in an unborn child, including impaired growth and nervous system development

    Injuries due to impaired motor skills


  9. The pros: You can have a great time, if you are shy when you are sober you are not when you are drunk, if you do something stupid you tend to forget.

    Cons: You have to wake up the morning after, your friends will tell you what you done.

  10. PROS: Escapism, Character change, & Tranquillisation!!

    CONS: Heavy wear, Addiction, EARLY DEATH...

  11. Cons ; Killing someone , killing yourself ,murdering someone , Hit and run

    There are no PROS

  12. fun,

    bad for you in the long and short term....

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