
What are the pros and cons of getting a car with a manual transmission instead of an automatic?

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I am 16 and I did own a 99 chevy cavelier that was an automatic but I recently wrecked it and now I am looking for a new car. How hard do you think it would be for me to drive a manual instead? A friend of mine can sell me a VW Jetta for 1000. All i need is some advice. I really want to learn how to drive a manual but there are not many people I know who will let me practice on their car lol




  1. Go ahead and learn. I didn't know how to drive a hand-grind until I was 19, and I worked as a mechanic at the time! Don't buy the VW, though; get something NICE. That only includes GM cars and trucks.

  2. Pro:

      You can change gear faster than automatic system.

      Driving can be more controlable.



      If traffic jam, you leg might get pain by press crush too often.

  3. avoid used VWs

    if you want to learn do it on a Toyota Truck they are easy to shift and less likely to explode while you learn

    try a driving school

  4. In my humble opinion, I would not recommend a new(ish) driver to get a "stick shift". Manual transmissions are easier to drive and better for people who haven't been driving for years.

    Stick shifts can be fun to drive occasionally but if you live in a densely populated town with lots of traffic I promise it will drive you crazy!!!

    Good luck! :)

  5. I much prefer a manual, because it's more interesting, more durable, cheaper, and more fuel efficient.  It's more flexible in the way that you use the engine at the speed that you choose to.  However, when you look for used cars, manuals are hard to find.

    There aren't any advantages to an automatic, although it can be a little more comfortable when you get caught in a big traffic jam.  I figure I need the exercise anyway.

  6. the problem with letting friends drive one's manual tranny car is that the novice will ultimately and prematurely wear down the clutch while practicing... unfortunately you will probably have to practice on your own car, if you learn fast you wont damage the clutch/pressure plate too bad.... pros of a manual... gas mileage is usually better, more of a feel of control while driving & running through the gears..., cons..., the only thing that comes to mind is, in stop and go traffic sometimes you can get a cramp in your left leg..!

  7. Only PROS...better performance, fuel efficiency, milage, great to drive, all good stuff! Hope you enjoy your new ride... you wont regret it! All 3 cars Ive owned have been manual!

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