
What are the pros and cons of having a myspace...and does it create drama?

by Guest57093  |  earlier

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What are the pros and cons of having a myspace...and does it create drama?




  1. One con: If you don't set your profile to private (And even if you do there are creeps who can get around it) people can steal your photos and pretend to be you. It's also very important to not give any personal information away; Like your name, age, address, school location, friends names, family members, ETC.

  2. well it does cause drama,like y did u take that picture?u know i had one just like that.whats up with u stealing me song?how come evry1 is copying my style?haha

    but i just make my profile plain.and my song is my fav. song i hide my top friends and my comments (there are codes)haha,

    so yea just make sure u only add ppl u know & get along with :)


    But i love Myspace.

    But like, people do qet mad alot like.


    And c**p but if that doesnt happen.

    its all qood.


  4. pros are-

    you can talk to people you have lost in touch with.

    you can meet some cool people

    you can talk to your friends if your unable to get on aim or the phone.

    &it can be fun editing your profilee and stuff lol.

    Cons are-

    sometimes creepy people request you on myspace lol

    people get mad if theyre not on your "top"

    and drama does start for stupid little reasons

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