
What are the pros and cons of intel and amd cpus in laptops?

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Hi, what are the pros and cons of intels and amds in laptops mainly for gaming?

Mainly, the T5750 and the TL-60 or QL-60, if possible, also the RM-70?

I care about the battery life, heat generation, speed, (not just mhz, also fsb)




  1. That's a really tough question to answer. It really depends on what's important to you: price, power consumption, performance, ability to be overclocked, reliability, longevity, issues with overheating, internal architecture..... Don't forget both companies have various models of CPU that each have their pros and cons.

    To the average consumer, price is the bottom line and AMD tends to beat Intel in that area. I've heard it said that if you plan to build a server or an office machine, use Intel. For home or gaming, use AMD. But will you really notice a difference? These days, I'd venture the answer is 'no'. I have both in my various computers and I don't see any difference (all other things being equal).

    Plus, you can really undermine a CPU's potential by using the wrong motherboard, or using too little RAM. There are just so many factors involved.

  2. intels


    1#intels run off electricity meaning they are much more effiant than other designs

    2# intels are one of the most popular makes for processer and are voted as one of the most reliable ones out

    3# intels can be 40% faster than other processer brands because they are povided with the most up tp date technology out.

    4# intels seem to be less noisey than other processers as they are better made

    5# intels are built on power saving techonology which enables them use less power when operationg


    1# even though intels are relieable the prices for them seem to be higher than other models

    2# some lower models of intel e.g celleron can be just the same as there processe brands partly because it is a weak processer



    1# they are much cheaper than top brands such as intel

    2# they are consided the under dogs in technologhy so people think they charge less for there processers


    1# they can be very loud as you can hear the processer churn in the backgound

    2# they tend to get realy hot, so hot tht u can suffer 1st degree burns

    3# they are power eating machine that are not energy effient

  3. The Intel Core 2 Duo is a better chip than any else in a laptop, end of story.

    That said you may be able to save a bit of money with the slower AMD chips.

    The Core 2 Duo and the Turion X2 at the same clock use about the same amount of power and produce about the same amount of heat, but the Intel is quite a bit faster (in terms of FSB, AMD have a big edge over Intel but in terms of the benchmarks the rest of the Core 2 is so much better than the aging AMD architecture that it isn't enough to save the AMD).

    The chipsets you get with current Intel processors i965 and more recent can do memory hoisting to allow 64 bit OS's to access all of the RAM in a computer (instead of losing most of the fourth Gig) but I'm not sure if the chipsets used with AMD processors can do it.

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