
What are the pros and cons of legalizing illegal drugs?

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  1. pros

    less populated jails

    less tax money to house inmates

    more drugs can be taxed


    people high

    people die

  2. pros: NONE are you kidding me

    Cons: Death

  3. Pros:

    Firstly it would dramatically reduce crime, as a lot of crime is committed is to fund drug habits.

    It would enable people who wanted to quit, to have access to the relevent medical services.

    It would increase government revenue, as they would inevitably tax drugs.

    It would not increase their use, as many actually take drugs to be "rebellious" to society.

    The main Con is that if you were a drug dealer you would suffer, drug dealers would hate drugs to become legal.

    Just looking at prohibition gives a good illustration of the dynamics of an ilegal drug, alcohol in that case.

    The majority of senior police officers believe that there should be decriminalisation.

    The majority of people who do not know anythng about the subject, think they should be illegal, but the majority of them are not very good at thinking things through.

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