
What are the pros and cons of living in South Island New Zealand?

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What are the pros and cons of living in South Island New Zealand?




  1. There are no pros. Only cons. Auckland is the only place to live!

  2. I moved from the North island to the South island when i was 16, at that time i thought there could only be cons about the South island as i loved my home in the North island so much! (Whakatane in the Bay of Plenty)

    now i don't see myself ever moving back to the North island

    Pros: We have more national parks and Mountains - you can't help but become interested in tramping (hiking) when you live in the South island and 6 of New Zealands 9 great walks are all in the South island (Milford track, Kepler track, Routeburn, Heaphy track, Abel Tasman Track and the Rakiura track on Stewart island)

    as already mentioned lower population density which is definetly a bonus, not so much traffic etc.

    Christchurch, the 2nd largest city in NZ still offers competitive work opportunities and has all major shopping facilities etc, it also has the best drinking water in New Zealand.

    Best skifields in New Zealand and still some of the nicest beaches in NZ (can't beat the golden sand beaches of Kaiteri, Abel tasman national park and Golden bay)

    Less crime

    Cons: Higher electricty bills from heating in winter

    We don't always get major international acts/concerts down in the south island whereas its never the other way round (except for Bon Jovi, he came to play in Christchurch and only Christchurch)

    Thats about all the bad i can think of, I definetly prefer the South island now :-)

    Oh great Doris the weirdo is back

  3. Pro's:

    Better Scenery

    Better drinking water (christchurch)

    in christchurch great public transport one of the best in new zealand it takes you everywhere!

    isolated from high density places

    less gangs

    friendly people

    laidback lifestyle

    variety of weather-warm summer even reaching 32degrees up to 5-10 in most places a summer and winter around 10 degrees average and most places get snow once a summer except most of the west coast

    good working oppertunities

    good tourist attrction

    Better rugby teams (Crusaders)


    non violent crimes e.g vandalism,theft

    that the north island cant experience south island life !

  4. Pros: better scenery, more comradship, less people, generally less crime, less cost to buy houses ( in general...some places are the exception)

    Cons: less people so less VARIETY of shops, things etc ( eg you have to travel further to get what you want), some things may cost more....hmmm thats about it. some people will moan about the weather but I live in sunny Marlborough where sunny days are many and rainy/cloudy days are few ( but ok we have to live with more droughts!)....down south ( where I have also lived) is a bit more variable, BUT you can handle it and get used to it.....

  5. I think all of the people above me have pretty much mentioned enough for you to think about except they forgot the most important one which is both a pro and a con: people far down south have funny accents (get em to say "purple work shirt" ten times.  Pro is you'll be in fits of laughter for ages. con is had to initially ask em to repeat things) I'm just being silly.  its true though

  6. Pros:

    Lots of space and low population density in comparison to the North Island

    The South Island is very mountainous and most people would agree it has the most dramatic, breath taking sceneary in the whole of New Zealand.

    Lower crime rate and lower gang activity than the North Island.

    While it still has a few major population centres such as Dunedin, Christchurch, Nelson, etc, that have all the aminities of a large town/small city, they don't have huge, sprawling suburbs and thus you are never far from unspoilt nature.


    You can feel very isolated and lonely, depending on where you live, due to it's low population density - however, this may be a pro for some people.

    The public transport infrastructure is not as extensive as on the North Island and many areas are only accessable by private transport, owning a car is essential.

    The weather on the South Island, while generally not terrible, is certainly cooler and can be a lot harsher than the North Island. Heavy snow fall in winter is not uncommon and even in summer it can be quite chilly, although there are warm days too where the tempurature can be around 30C

    The South Island is not as economically strong as the North Island and thus wages are lower and there are less job opportunities available for new immigrants

    Although most inhabitants of the South Island are friendly and open-minded, there is defined section of the population that are quite narrow-minded and not so open to outsiders, this is due to the fact that the South Island is not as cosmipolitan as the North Island

  7. south island growing very fast in nz   many north island people are moving down here , it so lovely  quieter than the north is,and easier to move around in

  8. Very few Cons, plenty of Pros.

    People are generally very friendly & helpful, driving by car etc. is probably safer partly due to less traffic but also road surfaces are better, long twilights in Summer, less fog, humidity yet more sunshine.

    It's just a great island for everything.

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