
What are the pros and cons of rushing a sorority?

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I was thinking about pledging in the spring and I was wondering the good and bad.




  1. Cons

    - pretty much everyone who is not in a sorority or fraternity will think you're a loser who has to pay for her friends

    - you're paying too much to join a clique when you could simply form your own

    - sororities are often considered s***s owned by the frat boys (who, by the way, are not very attractive, charming or interesting most of the time...)

    - you will only socialize with people like yourself, you'll be stunting your social growth


    - if you lack wit, charm and a personality, joining a sorority is an easy way to make friends and friends with benefits

    - if you lack confidence or initiative to do worth while things on your own, sororities often volunteer in the community and with charities

  2. Interview question and answers-

  3. Rushing and affiliating will take up a lot of your time, but if you are well-organized for getting your schoolwork done, it shouldn't be too hard.

    Affiliation with a reputable national sorority will give you lifelong access to alumni. Your college career will also benefit as you will be able to engage in numerous social events, intramural activities, and charitable work.

    The real downside is if there is not a really heavy presence of greek life on campus. Some schools have very strong greek systems and student leaders often belong to an established house. Schools with very few involved in greek life may have students who look down upon such activities.

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