
What are the pros and cons of sunbathing?

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It's a case study I'm doing for science, we've got to answer the question "is it safe to sunbathe?" and I've got to give both sides of the argument. If you have them, sources would be helpful.




  1. Pros;

    You'll be tanned.



    Your skin will eventually look like a leather handbag.

  2. there are no pros other than maybe mental health.

    If you really want to push it you can get vitamin d from the sun. But you can get it from food too. I would go with the mental side "sun makes people happy" "Gets people out side and they get exercise" ect

  3. skin cancer

  4. I'm sick of my skin cancers,you can have them if you want.You can have my wife's also.

    Laying in the sun only means,skin cells under nuclear attack.Who in there right mind would want some child to debate the positives of getting sun burnt!

  5. Try checking the 'Australian Cancer Foundation' website,

    The only pro I can think of is, u need 10 mins of sun a day for vitamin D production but, u don't need to "sun bake" for that.

    Or try u local skin clinic I'm sure they will have pamphlets for u to take home.

  6. I can't think of any pros for sunbathing.

    Everyone needs Vitamin D which we get from the sun.

    There is no need for overexposure to acquire the necessary  Vitamin D.

    Too much sunlight causes dangerous skin cancers and deadly melanoma.

  7. Tanning is skin cells in trauma.

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