
What are the pros and cons of the steam engine?

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not the steam train or steam boat




  1. This is a great way to make electricity. You could use this to recharge a battery system at low cost.  On the surrounding state land by my property, there is enough dead trees on the ground to power my house for the rest of my life, without cutting down a live tree.

  2. the biggest hurdle is you have to have some kind of fire to make steam.thats why petrol motors got invented.(and diesel of course)_

  3. The only type of steam engine in use today is the coal fired power plant, nuclear plant, and cogeneration power plants (nat gas).

    The pros;

    -High efficiency (for thermal systems)

    -Low operating cost

    -Long life (60+years)

    The cons;

    -High overhead

    -High initial investment

    -Low potential for further innovation (the technology can't be improved on much)

    -Uses non-renewable fuel sources

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