
What are the pros and cons of working in a call center

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i want a change in my career

i am currently into semicon and was kinda stressed

i am looking myself in a call center company...

would you help me?




  1. I'm going to answer under the assumption you are American:


    -- Callers are excited to get someone that speaks English, while understanding all the slang.

    -- You get to help people which is rewarding

    -- When you're done for the day, you are done.  Work does not follow you on your days off.  And, there is no work to catch up on when you return from vacation (position dependant)

    -- Your job can be done from home.  Makes the commute VERY easy and cuts down on your lunches out, transportation, and clothing.


    -- Your job can be done by other countries (e.g. India) for much less money than they are paying you with the same stuff you need at home (i.e. a computer, phone, and electricty).

    -- Low skill level to do job - means more people can do the job - means pay is low.

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