
What are the pros and cons working for an international organization?

by Guest56317  |  earlier

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What are the pros and cons working for an international organization?




  1. It really depends on the type of IO.

  2. Pros: you get to learn about the international system, cultures, and about a specific issue.

    Pros: You really feel good about what you do and you get to help people from all walks of life

    Cons: It will have a strain your relationships and also will diminish your social network.  If you are constantly traveling, it means most of your time is spent flying and not with people you know.

    Cons: the money does not pay that well for most NGOs and if you are trying to get into the UN, WB, and IMF you are going to have a tough time finding a job.  You need to have Top tier University degrees and great work experience.

  3. now,this is just for ME ........

    pros:telling people i run an international organization

    cons:having no clue how to run an international organization

  4. Pro: See the world

    Con: Have to deal with creepy wacky Socialists.

  5. Do you mean working overseas, or working in your own country for an international company?

    Regardless, one of the pros is that, in order to be successful, you must broaden your horizons and reduce your prejudices, accepting that other people in the world may view the world differently, and may function in a professional environment differently.  One of the cons is that you may be held accountable for a way of doing things with which you are completely unfamiliar.

  6. in fact the pros r outweigh than the cons as u can make many friends,knowledge n benefits if u go visiting them.

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