
What are the prospects of Scottish independence from the United Kingdom? Do Scots still want freedom today?

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What are the prospects of Scottish independence from the United Kingdom? Do Scots still want freedom today?




  1. Not gonna happen.  And Scots are free, same as any other citizen of the UK.

  2. Scotland would be worse of as an independiant country.

    Most people who are in favour of independance just see it as not being part of the UK and a way puling away from England, the people that see it for what it would really mean want to stay part of the UK.

  3. Careful what you wish for Scots! If you get independence, I'd give it 4 months before the 'things were better under the old regime' comments started surfacing. Governments look after their own interests, and despite having no meddling from London, a rosy utopia will not be the outcome!!

  4. In 2007, Scotland voted the Scottish National Party into government, ejecting the Labour/Liberal Democrat coalition. The anti-independence parties in Scotland are now becoming marginalised in Scottish politics and in the Scottish Parliament.

    There is a [Westminster] by-election in Glasgow East in a fortnight. Supposedly a strong Labour seat, taking in the former Glasgow Easterhouse and Glasgow Shettleston seats. A majority of 13500, yet Labout look like losing it to the SNP; if that happens it will be a 25% swing to SNP. Even in by-elections a 25% swing is unheard of.

    The people of Scotland want their independance back and it will come. There are countries in Europe smaller than Scotland which survive economically, but Scotland has a great advantage - oil. The "UK" oil fields are Scottish, not English. Oil reached $147 a barrel yesterday and we have tons of it.

    When Scotland regains its independance, then it WILL survive as a nation - it is England that will suffer. No longer will they get cheap oil. No longer can the taxation from oil be used to prop up the English economy. It is England who will lose out from seperation. That is why the ONLY politicans that are openly against Scottish independence are from England. (And when we get our independance, you can keep Gordon Brown south of the border - he has few friends up here)

  5. We have alway had oor freedom, the U.K. is going thi same way as thi "Empire" we just wan't control ae oor ain destiny withoot bein shackled tae London.Scotland is an ancient Celtic kingdom as is, Wales,Ireland,Cornwall,  The best thing the Romans did for Scotland, has been Hadrians Wall, it gives us a definative border as a seperate nation. There are now parts ae England who want tae break-away fae London, namely Cornwall,&The North. THE EMPIRES CRUMBLING!!!

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