
What are the qualifications for a special education teacher?

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Would perfer the qualifications for Mississippi teachers but just a run down of the basic qualifications in any state will be ok.




  1. Here is a run down of the basic qualifications for a special education teacher.

    - All states require at least a Bachelor's degree and for you to take a special teaching prep course.

    - You must attain a specific amount of credits in all core areas (math, history, english, science).

    - You must also pass a professional assesment.

    I hope this helped I will give you my source as well.

  2. In Minnesota, every special education teacher must have a license in the disability area they teach and usually at least a BA in elementary or secondary general education.  For instance, a teacher that works with kids that have learning disabilities, must have a LD license, a teacher that works with kids who have emotional and behavioral disorders must have an EBD license.   Once a SPED teacher has one of these license areas completed, they are usually only a few credits from getting their masters degree in SPED, so most just continue and get a masters degree.  I'm a SPED teacher at a MN high school and every SPED teacher I know has at least a masters degree in SPED a few have close to a PhD.

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