
What are the qualifications to become Loss Prevention?

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What are the qualifications to become Loss Prevention?




  1. in New South Wales


    A Current: 1AG Security License or preferably 1ACG Security License


    Defensive Tactics Training (and 20 years of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training if possible)

    Advanced Progamming Computer Knowledge

    Extensive experience with all camera types

    Relevant experience in LP or retail

    Law Enforcement Experience in Forensics

    Athlete Level Fitness

    Sean Connery like accent

    Ability to survive for long periods without food or sleep

    Trained in the use of deadly force

    Must be able to hunt like an owl (no-one should know you're there UNTIL YOU STRIKE)

    able to use improvised weapons you find in the local environment such as walking sticks

    ability to use other human beings as shields whilst executing forceful arrests

    encyclopeodic knowledge of medicine

    paramedic training

    combat experience highly regarded

    ability to escape lawful custody / prisons is highly regarded as you will know how to prevent others from doing so

    trained in advanced driving

    able to drive cars boats aircraft and occasionally spacecraft so a pilots license and/or NASA experience is favourable

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