
What are the qualities of a good leader?

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What are the qualities of a good leader?




  1. Someone who is willing to listen to his subordinates and incorporate thier ideas into accomplishing the goal at hand. But also willing to take the hit if thier idea didn't work because ultimately they are one who approved the idea. Basically own up to your mistakes and not blame others.

  2. someone strong who knows how to make decisions

  3. To be everything that is opposite to a dictator.

  4. They include:

    >Guiding others through modeling (in the sense of providing a role model) and through willingness to serve others first (compare followership)

    >Initiative and entrepreneurial drive

    >Charismatic inspiration - attractiveness to others and the ability to leverage this esteem to motivate others

    >Preoccupation with a role - a dedication that consumes much of leaders' life - service to a cause

    >A clear sense of purpose (or mission) - clear goals - focus - commitment

    >Results-orientation - directing every action towards a mission - prioritizing activities to spend time where results most accrue

    >Cooperation-work well with others

    >LD - very few pessimists become leaders

    >Rejection of determinism - belief in one's ability to "make a difference"

    >Ability to encourage and nurture those that report to them - delegate in such a way as people will grow

    >Role models - leaders may adopt a persona that encapsulates their mission and lead by example

    >Self-knowledge (in non-bureaucratic structures)

    >Self-awareness - the ability to "lead" (as it were) one's own self prior to leading other selves similarly

    >With regards to people and to projects, the ability to choose winners - recognizing that, unlike with skills, one cannot (in general) teach attitude. Note that "picking winners" ("choosing winners") carries implications of gamblers' luck as well as of the capacity to take risks, but "true" leaders, like gamblers but unlike "false" leaders, base their decisions on realistic insight (and usually on many other factors partially derived from "real" wisdom).

    >Understanding what others say, rather than listening to how they say things - this could partly sum this quality up as "walking in someone else's shoes" (to use a common cliché).


  5. the best is that you help out and not expect to have everyone else do all the work, to be pleasant and i forget the rest

  6. Studies have actually been done on this.  Turns out that there are two qualities that people feel make a good leader: confidence and optimism.  Interesting, eh?

  7. 1) Money

    2) Girls

    3) Power

    4) Charming and witty personalty

    5) Free Ice Cream

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