
What are the qualities that helped andrew jackson succeed.?

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What are the qualities that helped andrew jackson succeed.?




  1. big cahones, brains and could not be bought. super patriot who believed in the common man. possibly the greatest patriot of all.

  2. I thought Andrew Jackson was an American politician???

  3. A self-made man (and the son of Scots-Irish immigrants), "Old Hickory" led the troops who defeated the British in the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812.  

    Unfortunately, Andrew Jackson's forcible removal of the Cherokee in defiance of the Supreme Court and his use of the spoils system to appoint political supporters marred his presidency.  Then again, he did pay off the national debt.

  4. check him out on the web, I know he was the first and only president to pay off the national debt in full, and was a bold person...

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