
What are the questions/comments asked by non-homeschoolers that just get under your skin?

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the one comment I can't stand people sayinging is that home schoolers do not socialize with other people




  1. I am surprised that no one has yet mentioned:

    "How can a homeschooler get into college?"

    "What do colleges think about homeschoolers?

    And the dozens of variations on this...

    BTW: Homeschoolers get into top colleges, state colleges, community colleges, technical schools, etc.

  2. what is irritating is most people who make rude comments or ask rude questions have some kind of contact with a homeschooler and think nothing is different about them until told they homeschool. Then suddenly they say "no wonder they were ...."

    That just makes me so mad. Or why aren't you in school today ? There is rarely the time we are out of the house during the day but every time we are we get the 3rd degree.

  3. Oh man, the "socialization" thing is never ending.  It really bugs me, too, when people take it upon themselves to quiz my children's knowledge.

  4. I get so irritated by the socialization question. I mean seriously, if were at the library and my kids are  playing with other kids how can you even ask if he gets to socialize? The other comment that gets under my skin is the "Oh, I could never do that! You must have the patience of a Saint!" comment. Oh, and don't forget, "Don't you get sick of being with your kids ALL the time?".

  5. High school is BS i think is should be:

    Elementary: pre-k-6th grade

    sixth graders are still very immature ( mostly) for middle school

    Middle school 7-9th grade

    High school 10 -12th grade

    9th graders tend to be to immature for the 10-12th graders

    HIGH SCHOOL should be all about what your planning to be when older. not s*x and drugs etc.....

    High school is now a joke that's why some people go to collage cause they know high school just doesn't cut it anymore.

    high school is not motivating anymore. period.

    and thats what gets under my skin

  6. The whole homeschoolers don't socialize/do anything, which comes from people who don't even know anyone who homeschools! Talk about non-legit sources!

    If you'd like a little source that homeschoolers socialize, here's a nice little article about a bunch of homeschoolers I know.

    I must mention that I really find it funny that they call them "homelearners." What's with that?!

  7. The socialization thing is really the only one that has ever bothered me. I remember being on a community playground one day with some homeschooled kids, a playground that was shared by the elementary school. One teacher came out with her class and started talking to me, asking if the kids had the day off, etc. When she found out they were homeschooled, she went into the whole spiel about, "Oh, kids really need to be with other kids," and didn't see it as sufficient that they WERE with other kids at that point and that they did other things. I was too new to homeschooling and hadn't even thought about the fact that people spent thousands and thousands of years not being with lots of other kids each day, which obviously points to the fact that kids do NOT need to be with other kids all the time.

    Another comment I heard from a homeschooled girl really irks me and still bothers her--as soon as this one girl she'd benn hanging around with found out the first girl was homeschooled, the second girl started treating her like she was some sort of freak and would call her things like, "Social r****d". (They were in the same sports together and saw each other quite often.) She wasn't a freak/r****d until the homeschooling was discovered. That still gets under my skin, a prejudice so deep that even after knowing someone for some time and being somewhat friends with them, you'd reject the person for something like homeschooling.

  8. I agree the socialization one really gets me.  i want to say what do you think we do when we are home?? Not socialize.  Also the question about whether I am a religious nut because I chose to homeschool.  I actually took her out because her school sucked and before I pay a private school 15 grand a year, I will do it.

  9. Are you sure their learning enough? How are they doing with the lessons? Is the Math program REALLY working? Well I just wish you would put them back in public school!

    That's my fathers typical speech when he calls me WEEKLY! Drives me nuts! He wouldn't dare ask my sister those questions the relationship isn't close enough. The funny part is we use the same curriculum. In fact we swap cores when we can.

    For some reason I'm not smart enough to FOLLOW THE LESSON PLAN!!!! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to use Sonlight. Just someone with a strong voice. I'm 2 for 2 with it. I've taught it 2 years and I lost my voice with in the first week of both years!

    The "S word" bugs me but not as much as the same grating questions delivered by one who should be supporting my families decision to home school. And for those who might doubt my kids did have a say in home school or public school and they both chose to leave the public school and come home.

  10. Yeah poeple saying how do you meet friends? 1. their are homeschooling activities 2. I HAVE A LIFE!

    I ahte reading articles about one homeschooling family and their like so this is what its like to homeschool different homeschooling familys are more different then different schools!

    uncoortable qustions are like whn did you start school, when do you end school do you want to go to public school?


    Homeschoolers tend to be REALLY smart and for like the last 4 years have won the spelling bee! people ahve no idea what their talking about!

  11. "So i heard that homeschoolers are much more stupider then kids that go to a public school..."

    -Public Highschool Student friend of mine

  12. I agree, the 'S word' thing is just SO irritating, either as a question or a statement that it's a problem.

    Next on the list is anything about needing to be a teacher and how ever will you be able to teach subject X. I worked for a University for a few years at their faculty of arts and education, I had to deal with student teachers, they're not as intelligent as we're asked to believe.

  13. I can't choose between the no-socialization one, or the assumption that all homeschoolers are conservative Christians who are brainwashing their kids. sick of that.

  14. Of course, the "S" word.  I think we all find that irritating.

    Then there is, "How can you possibly teach her everything she needs to know?"

    The one that bugs me the most is, "What's the matter with her?"

    I always respond with, "She's too normal for school."

  15. I cant stand the - so you wouldnt have many friends then?

    i play sports and do lots of groups and have a lot of friends.

    And the - so you wouldnt do school much then would you?

    Actually i do school 5 days a week like normal!

    haha :)

  16. That was a misconception I had and maybe you could educate the world about this.

  17. It kina makes me mad

  18. Any of the questions that prove how ignorant they (non-homeschoolers) are about homeschooling, or how stereotypical they (non-homeschoolers) are of homeschoolers.

    This includes questions/comments about:

    Socialization (or rather, the supposed lack of), the suggested inability of a parent to teach, especially once the student reaches a higher level, and the belief that homeschoolers can not attend college.

    EDITED TO ADD: Catie, I bet that the title "homelearners" is to shred any association with "school".  School and education are not one and the same, and I suppose they might just want to avoid the misconception of "school at home", which most homeschoolers do not try to imitate.

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