
What are the "Rules" when driving through a Construction Zone on Major Highways?

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If It is a Holiday or Sunday and there is No Activity, By that I mean the equipment is parked and no workers in site operating said equipment. Do you still need to drive the posted speed limits or can you drive the non- construction speed limits? I'd rather not get a ticket! Thanks!




  1. Obey the signs, not the day of the week.

  2. The speed limits and passing rules apply at all times for several reasons.

    1. There may be workers on a non-traditional day/time and you may not realize that until you are halfway through the zone.

    2. Narrow lanes, equipment near the road, sharper turns, ect all still create a more hazardous driving area even without workers. I have worked many accidents in work zones when workers were not present.

    As a personal rule, I don't sit in work zones when workers aren't present, but if I am up for whatever reason and catch you speeding, you are likely to get a citation.

  3. I'm sure it varies by state.  Around here they are switching to a new form of signs that say "when workers present" which eliminates some of the confusion.  If workers are around, you have to drive the construction limit posted.  If not then you can drive the normal posted limit.  Often they'll have a 45mph where workers present and a 60mph general construction limit.

    Normally I think the construction limits apply 24/7 regardless of what's currently going on, partly because the lower speed isn't just for worker safety but also driver safety do to things like narrower  lanes, no shoulders, obstacles close to the road, lane shifts, etc.    Also at least in my state the fines/penalties for speeding in a construction zone are doubled.

  4. You have to drive the posted speed limit.

  5. Unless you're rushing to the hospital or airport, I would always drive the posted speed limit in construction zones...regardless of time, day, traffic. Generally, fines are doubled for construction zones, so a speeding ticket would cost you...

  6. You have to travel at the posted speed limit even if there isn't any active construction at the time.

  7. if it is a marked construction zone all rules and fines for violations apply weather or not there are workers or equipment present.

  8. Slow down.

  9. You still have to drive the posted speed limits for the construction zone.  It doesn't matter if the workers are there for that aspect.  There are usually still barriers and cones, equipment, and other things that would make it unsafe to drive at a normal speed.  When construction workers are present, that is when your fines double or even triple depending on what state you are in.  When no workers are present, the fines are just normal fines.

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