
What are the quotes for "DISCIPLINE"?

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  1. “Discipline is the refining fire by which talent becomes ability.”

    - Roy L. Smith

  2. Ann Landers: Discipline Quotes

    Class is an aura of confidence that is being sure without being cocky. Class has nothing to do with money. Class never runs scared. It is self-discipline and self-knowledge. It's the sure footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life.

    Brian Tracy: Discipline Quotes

    Develop the winning edge; small differences in your performance can lead to large differences in your results.

    David Campbell: Discipline Quotes

    Discipline is remembering what you want.

    Jim Rohn: Discipline Quotes

    Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

    George Washington: Discipline Quotes

    Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable, procures success to the weak, and esteem to all.

  3. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.

    By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may eventually get to be boss and work 12 hours a day.

    Discipline is remembering what you want.

    Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.

    Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable, procures success to the weak, and esteem to all.

  4. Fragile as reason is and limited as law is as the institutionalised medium of reason, that's all we have between us and the tyranny of mere will and the cruelty of unbridled, undisciplined feelings.

    - Felix Frankfurter

    Obedience brings victory, and victory is life.

    - The Jem'Hadar

  5. It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you never stop.

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