
What are the "ethics" of giving thumbs up or down?

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I'm really wondering how and why people do this. It is a silly little thing to get sensitive about a cartoon "thumbs down" but I notice A LOT on this site that people give negative responses to very well-written, thought-out answers. And some of the most insulting immature answers get thumbs up. Go figure. Is there a guideline somewhere I'm missing? I just read someone's post who had 13 thumbs down, and it was a really nicely put answer....just obviously not in the mainstream.. Is it the thing to do to give a thumbs down just because you have a different point of view? Just wondering. I know it makes for good entertainment....and we all need thick skins....but don't pretend it doesn't bug you sometimes!




  1. Great question, cruzgirlz! I've often wondered this myself. Thanks much for asking. I don't know what the etiquette is, either.

    I give thumbs up when I agree with someone; or feel that they've given a well thought out answer that I *mostly* agree with.  I don't give any thumbs - up or down - when I simply disagree with someone's POV.  I give thumbs down for being mean, rude, obnoxious. And like torrejon, thumbs down for factual errors or misrepresentations. Especially when someone purposely twists facts or twists other people's words.

    Sometimes I get a good laugh at how many thumbs down I get. Especially when I haven't said anything for or against. The only time it might 'bother' me is if I got more down than up.  It's enlightening to read that some PPL give thumbs down just for disagreeing with a POV.  

    I've also noticed that the same people seem to get 2 or 3 thumbs down no matter what they say. Even if they've only asked for clarification on a question. I wonder if some PPL automatically give thumbs down to certain posters.

    PS I'm grateful for this forum. And even if I disagree with some points PPL share, I welcome the opportunity to learn. I have learned A LOT in this forum!

    ETA: I sometimes wish I could give TWO thumbs up!

  2. *sigh* It is just a thumb and a cartoon one at that. The only thing it can hurt is a person's ego. The only time it is useful to have numerous thumbs up is when you are chosen as the best answer.

    Really it isn't a big deal... I know people thumb me based on their personal views about my life and how I live it, not based on my answers all the time.

  3. this is the only section i have seen on yahoo that shows an obvious "group". who go and give the ppl who they like a thumbs up and the ppl who they dont like a thumbs down.

    there is something seriously wrong when an answer gets 15 thumbs up and 0 ZERO thumbs down.

    u make it even more obvious when u put this question into the adoption section, when clearly it is a general question.

    get over your little clique ladies, its lame! get out and make real friends

  4. The stupid thing is when you dont give an opinion but a story which is a fact and you get thumbs down. It's as if they think I'm lying or something or are thumbs downing the the fact that I shared a personal story (which is often tied to my heart).

    I get opinion thumbs downing that's okay or when someone is incorrect about a fact for instance says a spider is an insect when it's actually an arachnid (or similar) but when it's a personal experience i see no reason to thumbs down.

    Like some above people have said I never thumbs down poeople's stories because it's often hard to be honest about your life. I thumbs up people if I agree or want to support what they are saying. i thumbs down if an answer is highly offensive or insulting or inapropriate.

  5. I only really give thumbs down if an answer is particularly harsh or mean.  Like when someone tells adoptees to go jump off a cliff.  I actually agreed with the person until they said that.

    I try not to thumb people as I know there are many here that are sensitive but when a person is lamenting the fact that they can't handcuff their child or calling people names, I thumb.

  6. Adoption category?

  7. My issue with the thumbs down is that I feel it is a way for certain people here to be disrespectful just because they don't like your opinions.  It's been evident to me when I give the same answer as the "group" of answers, and I am the only one to get thumbs down.  Everyone says I take it too personally.  I don't really; I just think it's rude.  Y!A should just get rid of the darn things.  I do laugh though because Y!A's help page says this of the thumbs down:  "Give an answer a thumbs-down rating when you feel the answer is not helpful to the person who asked the question".  I don't know how anyone other than the asker could really say it isn't helpful unless it doesn't offer a legitimate answer of some sort.  I mean if someone just comes to point game - then yes, use a thumbs down, but if they answer a question even if it isn't your opinion, just leave it alone.  No reason to be rude about it.  But that's just me.  And watch.....I'll get thumbs down for this and probably the most too!  : )

  8. Well, thumbs up for your sunglasses--I adore them!

    If I don't agree with someone I give them a thumbs down, if I agree, it's thumbs up--it's as simple as that.

  9. i vote thumbs up, if i agree, and thumbs down, if i don't. Those are the rules I follow. up = agree down = no agreement

    buh bye sarahhhhhhhhhhhhh

  10. I think the beg deal is influence. If a person comes here and reads answers about weather to  adopt, place a child, search or family aor anything else related to adoption. If they didn't know any better they might think that the answers with the thumbs up is the popular belief. I've noticed that I get at least 1 thumbs down from (i can only guess who) reguardless of the answer.

    For me If i agree I'll thumbs up, even if I don't share the views of the person's overall beliefs, as long as I agree with the answer. Also it shows support. If I have very different views as someons, but agree with their answer the I want to show support and hopefully it will encourage them to explore those positive paths.

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