
What are the "rules for dating"?

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i met this guy on a site....

and he turned out to be nice and cute and smart...but something was off.

While he showed great interest in me..he let me plan the first date.

IMs showed promise but the dates were quiet.

I really could end up liking him, but i know he is still looking on the site.

He no longer IMs me when he comes online....nd will text me if i text him first....

i sent a text saying i think it's time for us to go our seperate ways.

there was no chase from him, and i am a catch....

did i make the right decision...

did i jump the gun




  1. There are no concrete rules for dating.  

    Perhaps you were making yourself too available, or seemed too eager.  If you were always texting him first he might have been overwhelmed.  Some people like to move at a slower pace and it sounds as if you might have been expecting to dive into something more serious pretty quickly.  Or, he may have just not been as into you as you were him.  Really, it doesn't matter too much.  There are plenty more fish in the sea.

    You shouldn't have been bothered by him remaining on the site where you met.  If you were still just casually dating, he had every right.

    ETA:  It's only been two dates?  You're pushing too hard.  Back WAY off and give the man some breathing room.  There's no problem with him dating or chatting with other women.  It takes more time than that to establish a meaningful relationship.  It's not like he's cheating on you or anything.  You can't expect someone to commit to a relationship after two dates.

  2. If there was not a connection when you met in person then.. no you probably didn't jump the gun.  Most people who meet on line have this fantasy of the person they are talking to and when in reality they are not what or who they thought.. they just don't know what to do from there.

    That is not saying you are not a great catch because you sound very mature and seem to know what you want... maybe you were to much for him and he couldn't live up to what he had portrayed that he was!!

  3. You made the right choice. After all, he ceased contacting you.

  4. He seems like a really flaky guy. If you're looking for more than what he was willing to give, then forget him and ignore all communication from this point on.  

  5. You did the right thing. He was  "just not that into you". Move on!!

  6. If he wanted to contact you, he would do it.  If he answers you when

    you contact him, he's just being polite, and you should be glad

    you even get that!  Most of them will just disappear without a trace.

    So, he's just not that into you.  It's ok, move on.

  7. His loss is someone Else gain, move on with your life.

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