
What are the "true" sciences?

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These days everything is a "science."

I have heard of "Christian Science," "Scientology," etc.

It seems everything is a now a science.

But everything cannot be a science; that would be illogical.

What is "true?"

Thanks in advance.




  1. There is no true everything this life we believe we are living is just an illusion

  2. mathematics are true sciences

  3. math and physics.

  4. Math, computer science, physical education, astronomy, chemistry, physics, engineering, arguably geology, arguably biology.

  5. The natural sciences are physics, chemistry, and biology. All subdivisions fall into one of those three categories. Other topics like kinesiology and psychology, while considered sciences, are not fundamental in the same way that the above three are. Therefore, they are considered 'secondary' sciences, in a way.

    As a side note, mathematics is NOT science; it is, however, the language of science. Mathematics is its own self-sufficient body of knowledge that can be applied to science. It is used to explain scientific discoveries in the same way one uses conventions of language to write an essay.

  6. Mathematics is the only true science!

    Physics is built on top of maths.  Chemistry is built on top of physics.  Biology is built on top of chemistry.  Psychology is built on top of biology.  Anthropology is built on top of psychology.

  7. Truth is the way the universe is.   Any of the sciences are simply observing, experimenting, predicting, trying to find out what the universe is and how it works.  Truth isn't what mathematics or physics say is true.  

    It's quite true to say that none of the sciences have figured it all out and know exactly how the universe fits together.  If they had, then they would pack their bags and go home.  Any science is a search for truth. It's an activity and a field of study.  

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