
What are the racial demographics of Mexico City and Mexico in general?

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I know its a weird question to ask but I'm planning on living there for a while and I'm wondering what the population characteristics are. Is it majority Mestizo? Does it have tons of Indiginous peoples? Does Mexico City really have a large European descended population?




  1. Look.  The great of Mexican people is of mixed breed, I mean, you can find a lot of Mexicans with European aspect that claim to be mestizo, or others with Indian aspect that claim the same.  Being Mestizo is quite politically correct since 1930's.  Even the official statisics consider mestizo every person born in Mexican territory child of Mexicans, that doesn't have a Indian language as it's mother tongue.

    So,  it depends on the region and the town of the country where you live the racial groups that are a majority.

    In Mexico City, it depends on the neighborhood, there´s a great number of white or caucasic Mexican, specially in middle and upper class neighborhoods.

  2. 10% white,.-80 % percent mestizo and 10% of native americans.

    As Salvador F said, most of the so called Mestizo are not really mestizo, some of them will be whiter and some will be 100% racially native american but living as Mestizos.

    Native americans in Mexico are the people who still speak their native tongue, still wear their traditonal dresses etc.

    Now the people from north of Mexico tend to be taller than the rest and have less Native American blood in their veins but still a lot Native looking. the more you travel south people tend to be darker and smaller, and racial differences between rich and poor is greater. rich people tend to be whiter, poor people tend to be darker.

    Mexico City is very cosmopolitan and you will find people from all over the world, a lot of Americans live there, but also Germans, French, Spanish, Italians even people from eastern Europe,

    There is also communities that established in Mexico long time a go like the Venetians in Chipilo Puebla, Menonites and Mormones in Chihuahua, Russians in Baja, etc.

  3. Yeah the figures 10% European (Jewish, Spanish, Immigrant) probably less than 10% pure indigenous, although they gravitate from the countryside, the government census can't find even 10% pure indigenous in the entire country. As for the word “Mestizo” I don’t know what the others are talking about but this word is becoming an offensive racist stereotype, it hasn’t been used except in the lowest classes and in a negative racist way for over 25 years.

    I would avoid using that word in Mexico like the plague! After 500 years of racial interbreeding and mixing, the proper and politically correct word today is “MEXICAN” as over 85% of the people of the country are now sociologically and anthropologically considered racially to be MEXICAN it would be scientifically correct as well.

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