
What are the raised pimple like things around a woman's nipples and the ring ?

by  |  earlier

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What causes them and what is their function. Also the wide ring around where the pimples are most prominent. Don't mean to be gross, just something I always wanted to know.




  1. they are areas of the skin that are more porous so that milk can pass through the nipple when breast feeding.

  2. Areolae

  3. Montgomery glands are the pimple like bumps, they keep the skin around the nipple miosturised and the outer brown ring is called the aureola.

  4. Its ok

  5. You guys need to get out of the jungle. We don't have that stuff in Hollywood

  6. The bumps are called montgomery glands. They secrete oil so that the nipple doesn't get dry and cracked from breastfeeding. The pink or brown coloured skin around the nipple is the areola

  7. they are just like skin tags. a lot of women get them. they come off after a while.

  8. i think they're hair follicles.... ??

  9. Its called areola..Its just pigmented skin that surround the nipple.Pleural its called areolae. The nipple connects with the woman's   milk duct.They have no real function, only the nipple does as it is connected to the women's milk ducts..

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