
What are the reason behind why ghana has not developed?

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What are the reason behind why ghana has not developed?




  1. Hi!! it is most likely that government is weak and not entirely in control, and this allows a digruntled population to split. That then lets in outside factions to incite more unrest to further destabelise the country, causing a downward spiral. Once that has happened it is very difficuld to reverse the process, unless a stronger leader is found, or a stronger partner come in as a white Knight.

  2. There aren't many equatorial countries that you could call "developed". Singapore is about the only exception I can think of.

    There are a host of historical reasons, for this, but the geographical reasons for developed equatorial countries are pretty strong. What it boils down to is the lack of a winter.

    Winter gives the soil time to rest and recover. Before any large country has any hope of economic development, it has to have a good stab at a cultivated farming economy that is capable of feeding itself. Winter helps. Cash crops are all very well, but they leave you at the mercy of international prices. (Ghana, at independence, was left with mostly a cocoa based economy.)

    Winter also keeps pests and diseases down. Malaria is endemic in Ghana as it is in most countries in that area. There are other serious diseases widespread that have no easy control. I am told that some of these have yet to be documented. It is not without reason that Ghana was known as the "white man's grave". The local population have some resistance, but it certainly does not leave them untouched. Malaria on it own is a serious barrier to development.

    Economic development is a competitive thing. It only takes one disadvantage to leave you behind in the race. Having said all that, Ghana isn't doing so bad.

  3. Comparatively speaking, Ghana is developed.

    It was decades ahead of other African countries in its goals of independence, and has a great deal going for it.

    Why has it not developed beyond where it has? That's a different question.

    But to say not developed...that's a tough (and quite frankly, inaccurate) question.

  4. africa doesn't get screwed, it screws itself.

    you will find that living conditions, education and health care were better 80 yrs ago during british colonial rule than it is today in most of africa, im not agreeing with the methods used back then, but africa rejected colonial culture, infrastructure and systems so strongly that it was detrimental to its own development.

    Just look at zimbabwe! in kicking out white farmers in acts of pure racism, they have replaced them with unskilled black farmers which is why crops have failed and the economy has been all but destroyed.

  5. Africa always gets screwed

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