
What are the reasons behind ulcer in food pipe?

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one of my friend got endoscopy done and doctors told her that there's formation of ulcer like thing in her food pipe....




  1. Eosophageal varices,malignancy,chronic heavy tobacco use,mineral deficiency,or a foreign body can cause that.  

  2. we have acid in our stomach (can u beive it has a ph o 2-4 ie same as that of u r toilet cleaner which burns u r fingers if there is a skin contact) but thatnk fully nature has provided a very special lining to our stomach where the food pipe ends. this lining is capable of tolerating the acid without damage. now this acid is constantly being neutralised by either the food we eat or by the contents of our intestine which are alkaline there are specific mechanisim which will prevent the back flow of this acid into the food pipe. in people who smoke a lot or eat very spicy foods this preventive mechanism is compromised which make the acid burning the lining of the food pipe and creating ulcers  

  3. it could be from something she ate, or I heard of some people developing those after smoking...

  4. It could be a number of things. Most likely a buildup of gastric juices that attack the mucus wall and weakens that. Acid reflux is a major problem. Ulcers can be caused by stress, bacterial infection-parasitical bug. I also know that bulimics get this alot.The stomach acid attacks the food and because the mucus wall is weakened, it will give you tremendous stomach cramps, the burning sensation. Liquid tagament and liquid fenegran or promethizine will kill the stomach reactors that make you naseous or regurgitate. It will also dehydrate you if not taken care of. Almost forgot about the esophagus which reacts the same as above. Tell your friend good luck. Hope she feels better soon!

  5. It could be due to a combination of acid reflux, stress and a bacterial infection, which are the usual causes of ulcers. The gastric juice starts to attack the food pipe when it refluxes, especially if the protective mucus layer is weakened, which can be due to stress. If a bacterial infection follows (Heliobacter pylori), the weakened wall can become infected and develop into an ulcer.

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