
What are the reasons for having a baby for the childs favour only?

by  |  earlier

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thank you Em C and Jo H these are the kind of answers I have and am continuing to look for. you both understood what I meant by child's interest only




  1. are you debating aborting a possible future baby?

    because if thats the situation i feel like its your choice and thinking about what the child could benefit from it is just adding more to the pot to think about since everyone can live life and enjoy it, but if they never become a person it doesnt matter.

    im sorry if i confused you. i think i confused myself too

  2. to give him a good life and he will love you back..

  3. I want you to understand that the happiness of your child should be you priority. Now it is important to realize that having another baby is a difficult task, hopefully you are stil fertile. Depending on your age complications may occur ie over 40 and down syndrome

    What you should do is make a baby for your child only if you are willing to take the responsibility and are capable of handling two children.

    If its not in your heart then dont do it. You will need to love this baby as much as you love your current child and not view it as a play thing for your current kid.

    Only have babies if you want it, but having a brother or sister for your child will enhance his life and make him more socially adept.

    Until you decide wear a condom.

    best of luck.

  4. Because the child may have a purpose, that he or she could be proud of on this earth. The child may make a difference in many ways.

  5. for the child to be able to experience love, to be able to reach out and make a name for themself. to later be able to give others the gift of life. To have a chance, up take a swing at life whether they strike out or not better than dug out

  6. well you see, imagine for a second that if you woke up and you know, let me put it this way, you can only see yourself in the mirror for what you really think could someday, i mean not today but in the future if you know that a perfect world was, well you kknow what i mean.

  7. 4.  b/c this child one day might hold the key to cure some disease.

    5. b/c this child might one day make a life difference in the world by doing something great.

    6.  b/c this child is a part of you that continues to pass down parts of you to the next generation.

  8. So that the child will have a chance to someday make the same decision...whether or not to have a child his or herself.

  9. I dont understand....

    are you pregnant and contemplating aborting the fetus?

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