
What are the reasons for not being able to conceive naturally?

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It took almost a year for us to fall pregnant with our son (now two). We have been trying to get pregnant again for another year (following a miscarriage) with no luck. I am in my late 20s and both hubby and I are healthy and happy. My periods are relatively normal and I have been doing everything right (s*x every 2 days, ovulation charts, etc). Has anyone been through this and what causes infertility? I am so frustrated! It feels like this will never happen for us.




  1. ok where to start... when i was 16 i was told i could never have kids because i have PCOS and i had cervical cancer. i had the cervical cancer cell removed and from about 17 yrs old i was trying for a baby with my fiance who iam with now(been together 4 yrs and engaged). i had a miscarriage due to stress 2 yrs ago and than i fell pregnant with my son in 2007 in june. i gave birth to him by c section in march this yr and it took me over 3 yrs of trying to get our son in the first place. it was worth the wait and i just stopped trying and let nature do its own thing. now some of the reasons you may not be falling pregnant again are, you may be off cycle,your hubby may have a low sperm count, your tubes may be blocked,stress will also put up a wall when your fertile to say your not falling pregnant this month, there are a number of things. all i can say to you is, don't give up trying but just don't think about it and just make love and don't think about if its going to get you pregnant this time around. also if your hubby is stressed he can have problems where his body wont allow him to blow and it goes back into his bladder bag, weird i know. so no stress ok. good luck

  2. My reason was "elevated prolactin" in my blood that was supressing ovulation.  I took some meds to reduce the prolactin and was pg 2 weeks later.  It took a year of trying before the doc would do any bloodwork to find this out.

  3. there is no one answer for this, unless you have investigations done it could be a number of reasons why you struggle to conceive, it could be you do not have any problems not everyone concieves as soon as they start trying in lots of cases it can take a year or so to get pregnant, and as for the miscarriage it is quite common and annoyingly just one of those things, try and focus on the fact that you do already have a lovely son and if you relax it may happen.

  4. I was the same way with ttc #2 for 18 months. For me, infertility was something as simple as my uterus being tipped backward, and what finally helped me conceive was maya abdominal massage (MAM). MAM is a massage for your belly to help guide misplaced organs back into correct position so they can function optimally giving you good health. It can also help with conception. I am a very holistic person by nature. I'm an Licensed Massage Therapist. My husband and I didn't want to do IVF for #2, since we were at least already blessed with one natural child, so I hit the internet looking for alternative ways to boost my fertility. That's when I came across MAM and it changed my life forever! Literally. It not only helped me to conceive, it helped me to have a most wonderful pregnancy and delivery. So inspired, I decided to become a practitioner so I could help other women get pregnant as well. Since then I have been very successful with the work and my first prego is due Feb.09! Another reason MAM came in handy was once my daughter was born. We swore we should have named her Ralph instead of Anna, because she was such a puker. After performing MAM on her little belly, she no longer pukes!! This is amazing stuff and everyone should know about it. It's great for men too.

    If more women knew about MAM then there would be no need for fertility treatments, and no reason for painful and/or irregular periods.

    Check out the website and please give it a try.

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