
What are the reasons for shortage of skilled manpower in india?

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What are the reasons for shortage of skilled manpower in india?




  1. Migration.

  2. a person can get skilled only if he works on only 1 or two things. but here in India we have to learn all the things, and that to only theoretically.only few institutes provide practical training. therefore we r left out to be jack off all and master of none.

  3. Wrong match!

  4. Because they all left...we have PLENTY here where I come from.

  5. Though India is a country with a tremendous population(India and China constitute 37% of world population..) there is a shortage of skilled manpower in India because their educational qualification does not match the requirements of the job market.. they are either under-qualified or over-qualified.. This causes a gap between the number of job opportunities and the man power for it.. This can be solved by making the education setup in India to be in sync with the qualifications required.. i.e the education imparted must be with a practical approach to make job ready professionals

  6. illiteracy is the main reason

    most of the labour are illiterate


    are ignorant of the present situation considering wages and salaries

    poverty may be secondary

    {bribery is the main reason for any thing}

  7. Stingy contractors!

    Cheap plane tickets!

    Expensive universities.

  8. This is my thinking only and not of a general view :because we the indian are always keep distance of dedication of whatever the work we perform. We believe in quantity of work and not of quality

  9. Who's gonna work in India for a few Rupees when you can make Mad Money in America, England, France, etc...?  Yeah, those folks will return to India to build their palace.. lol

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