
What are the reasons that would lead couples to have children before the righ time ?

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Why do some couples get unplanned for pregnancies ? Do couples succeed in controlling them selves about when ,how and what time is the right is to get children that is planned for ? What are some ways used to prevent unplanned for pregnancies ?




  1. They get careless one time. They don't worry about consequences.

    Birth control does fail sometimes.  

  2. I knew a lady that was on the pill, diagrahm, and a condom and she still got pregnant. So if it's meant to be you can't stop it. Don't have s*x if you don't want an unexpected child. It's as simple as that, keep those legs crossed it's the only way to keep from getting prego.

  3. The reason that couples would have children before the time they wanted is because of an unexpected pregnancy.  

  4. The lack of s*x education leads to unplanned pregnancy.  Most of my friends believed they were sexual experts.  They also got their girlfriends pregnant, and ended up getting married.

  5. No birth control is 100% effective, except of course, abstinence!

  6. reasons for unplanned pregnancies:

    carelessness--not using BC consistently and every time

    improper use of birth control methods--not understanding how the BC works and under which conditions it is likely to fail.  (antibiotics and some OTC meds can stop hormonal BC from working)

    dishonesty (the woman stops using BC w/o telling her partner or her partner has secretly replaced her pills with placebos or has otherwise sabotaged their BC method of choice)

    ways to prevent unplanned pregnancy:

    careful selection of partner (avoids the dishonesty issue)

    understand how to use your chosen BC method and use consistently and use it every time you have s*x (avoids the careless and clueless issues)

    abstinence--if you practice the rhythm method then this is acceptable for your fertile times but otherwise not a realistic long term option for marriages or other long term committed relationships.

  7. C-O-N-T-R-A-C-E-P-T-I-O-N?

  8. Planning a pregnancy requires restraint and forethought and the use of contraception. Unplanned pregnancies happen due to carelessness or failed contraception. The right time to have a child is left up to the potential parents to decide. Some women choose to have children in their 20's because that is the safest for their body and for the child. Some women choose to put their career first and have children after they have worked in their chosen field, have themselves together financially, etc. It really is a matter of choice. There are pros and cons to both sides.

  9. unplanned pregnancies never happen, by the way if sometimes you take the girl to the bed  that mean that you planned to go the bed and have s*x . if you didn't used a comdom don't say that was a mistake.just say i'm going to be a          FATHER       GOOD LUCK

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