
What are the reasons you can't stand one of the presidential candidates?

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  1. McCain.

    Fake person, fake war hero, panders like an SOB, liar, idiot and worst of all, WARMONGER.

  2. obama     100%  BULL%#*!ER......

  3. Because he turned being oil-driven into a "positive for America" and this is after 8 years of swearing up and down that his party has no interest in oil...

    Because he says that he is against Lobbyists when in fact they comprise his entire staff...

    Because he votes against Veterans benefits and accuses the other party of being "insensitive" to the troops.

    Because he took on a Jewish side-kick to lobby the "Israel vote" and wants to sell off our defenses to multi-national companies.

    Because he has been twice married and has the gall to tell g*y people that they would ruin the "sanctity" of marriage if they were allowed to participate.

  4. I believe a vote for these people will continue the ruination of this country and people.

  5. Obama:  Obama is a total fake His sixth and seventh important acts as a senator were to vote for a bill that made it nearly impossible for ordinary people to sue giant corporations who rob & defraud. He voted for President Bush's energy bill, sending more than $13 billion in subsidies and tax breaks to oil, coal, and nuclear companies. He voted to allow credit card companies to raise interest rates over 30 percent. He spoke out against the Patriot Act, only to vote in favor of reauthorizing it, he cannot commit to have all troops out of Iraq by 2013, supported Bush's sanctions against Iran and co-sponsored a bill designating the Iranian National Guard a terrorists organization, he implied he'd invade Pakistan, he favors amnesty for illegal immigrants, he is for entitlement programs that will increase the deficit leaving the burden on taxpayers and accepts contributions from influential lobbyists, corporations & special interest groups, not to mention FISA.  He picked a VP that voted for NAFTA, GATT, The Patriot Act and the Iraq invasion.

    But I suppose there are more "important" things like Palin's tabloid love child scandal.

  6. John McCain is a ODB and a liar!!!!!!!!!

  7. The one who likes to try and make us guilty if we don't vote for him despite his socialistic agenda and subversive friend-ships and business acquaintances.------the one who attended a racist church for 20 years---the one who George Soros selected as his puppet---the one who has many many questions that need to be addressed.

  8. Obama he is a liberal. That's all that needs to be said.

  9. I cannot stand Obama.

    He'd take a baby who survived a botched abortion, a true survivor of homocide, and put that baby on a shelf in a closet and leave it there to die.

    He's a monster, and evil!  How in Christ's name can he call himself "Christian?"

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