
What are the reasons you may be declined for a fiance visa?

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What are the reasons you may be declined for a fiance visa?




  1. cash,a home,permanent job etc.

  2. There are over 30 grounds of inadmissibility to the U.S.

    It would be pretty hard to list them all. Common grounds are criminal history, previously ordered removed, health related problems, likely to become a public charge, fraud in the application & previous immigration violations.

  3. Razor Jim listed about everything that fails a fiance visa and one more... if you fail the criminal background check or the medical exam.

    The American has to have 3 income tax returns showing acceptable income.

  4. Not qualifying for the required income.

    Not being able to prove a valid 2 year relationship.

    Being in the US on a nonimmigrant visa

    Overstaying a visa.

    failing to convince the officer at the interview that the marriage will be genuine. (simple things like not knowing your Fiance's date of birth etc.)

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