
What are the regulations for adopting a child?

by Guest58263  |  earlier

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I need to know what has to be done and what has to be in order to adopt a child




  1. It depends were you live Friend....each country has its own set of rule and regulations. In general , one have to be married and able to support the adopted child

  2. There are so many variables regarding the regulations.  I wish I could be of more assistance, but the truth is that each country has their own regulations if you are adopting internationally.  Here in the US, each state and often each adoption agency, has their own regulations.  

    I'm sorry that I couldn't give you more help.

    Good luck to you.

  3. my parents are adopting and the list is sooooooo long belive me

  4. So far today, you have stated you were already pregnant and asked if your boyfriend could force you to terminate, asked about fertile dates between periods, and  asked when the best time to get pregnant is. Now you are asking how to adopt. Yesterday you asked about getting out of an abusive relationship and stated your age as 16.

    So, which is it. Are you pregnant? Are you trying to determine if you are pregnant? Or are you trying to get pregnant? Are you trying to adopt, or asking how to place a child for adoption?

  5. adopting a child is a long drawn out process. First you have to get an attorney who specializes in adoptions. This will protect you from things like the mother changing her mind after you've adopted and getting the child back. Then you and your attorney contact a reputable adoption agency. The adoption agency will do what's called a "home study" and that's usually the first step. They will send a representative out to your home and inspect it for safety, see if you have enough room for the child  (a lot of states require the adopted child have their own bedroom and not share with siblings) and will interview the family, together or seperately to determine if the family will be a good fit for a child. They will want to see financial records, talk to your employers, and may talk to neighbors or other extended family members to find out what type of family you are, if you argue a lot or whatever. There's a lot more involved as well, but the first step is the home study. I suggest looking up "home study" on the internet and finding out more information. Good luck!

  6. As already stated, where you live has much to do with what will be required. There is also international adaptions where you adopt a child from another country. This will vary depending on the country the child is from. You will just have to start doing some research. Here is a site to get started.

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